AI at the service of marketing in new SaaS tools


Intelligent personal assistants, medical assistance, machine translation, cybersecurity... The use of Artificial Intelligence is constantly increasing.

While it has been developing gradually in each sector in recent years, it is now breathing new life into SaaS tools.

Indeed, it is being integrated more and more into various software. For example, the French start-up Shift Technology offers a set of SaaS tools based on Artificial Intelligence at the heart of insurance. It allows them to automatically track and report fraud. Founded in 2014, this company, now worth 1 billion dollars, has been able to sign with customers in more than 20 countries!

The usefulness of AI is now being felt for marketing and nurturing. Did you know that it is now possible, thanks to its help, to automate lead management?

Plezi and its smart campaign

Plezi is a French CRM whose principle is to implement relevant and personalized recommendations by exploiting the data left by prospects as soon as they enter the site. A major competitor to HubSpot, it is a complete CRM in terms of marketing functionalities, in particular e-mailing, content management, automated newsletters or even social media management.



Plezi has the particularity of using AI in its intelligent campaigns, which makes it possible to suggest different types of content to offer to leads, for example, by establishing suggestions of the ideal time to relaunch the lead. Thanks to the “tracking” function (i.e. “automated follow-up”), it records all the interactions of prospects with content (opening emails, content consumed, pages visited, information given via forms, etc.). This campaign also analyzes the history of the content consumed, thus allowing real follow-up. All this allows the consolidation of prospect profiles over the course of visits and interactions.

The intelligent campaign succeeds in determining the interests, maturity and intentions of prospects based on the content read by the visitor. It is thanks to this information that it determines the most suitable content for their profiles.

The other advantage of this smart campaign is that it has a dedicated dashboard.

Thus, it is possible to optimize your nurturing strategy based on the figures on the dashboard. You therefore have better visibility of your activity and can identify areas for improvement in your strategy.

In short, this campaign is thinking for you! It remembers information about your leads and gives you recommendations. What more could you ask for?

Sales Intelligence, Nomination's intelligent tool

Nomination, for its part, offers its own intelligent tool for B2B prospecting. Thanks to its algorithm, Sales Intelligence makes it possible to identify the best ways to get in touch with your leads.


This first involves identifying companies and filtering organization charts in order to establish a hierarchy of target profiles to contact.

To quickly get in touch with the prospects thus identified, Sales Intelligence offers templates such as a library of prospecting messages to be sent automatically by email. In addition, a tracker alerts you when a recipient has opened the email or clicked on a link, allowing real monitoring of these actions. Sales Intelligence then helps you to follow up with your prospects at the right time in order to maximize your chances of rebounding positively.

Recommendations represent the best prospecting tool for 87% of salespeople. In order to facilitate contact, Nomination integrates a social selling function into its tool, highlighting Common experiences between Sales Intelligence profiles and users (passage in the same company, in the same school or even cross networks) in order to ensure better contact.

Nomination therefore provides a wealth of information on decision-makers and companies, thus facilitating the process for prospects. Since small calling is 14 times more effective than cold calling*, it is a real lead conversion accelerator that is offered to us through Sales Intelligence.

In conclusion, Artificial Intelligence at the service of marketing is a major asset, especially when it comes to nurturing. Thanks to lead automation, AI saves businesses considerable time and energy. By getting to know leads and recording information about them, it allows better knowledge of the customer, which gives the possibility of establishing recommendations. No need to think anymore: AI does it for you!

And you, what do you think of the use of Artificial Intelligence in SaaS tools?

*Data from the Nomination white paper “Prospecting effectively in 2018: the new practices of super salespeople”.

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