Turnk x StaffMe - Interview with Jean-Baptiste Achard

StaffMe, what is it?

Launched in May 2016 by Jean-Baptiste Achard and Amaury d'Everlange, StaffMe is the first platform for connecting young freelancers and businesses to provide all types of one-off services. Ranging from administrative assistance, logistics, commercial animation or even services in the field of events.


StaffMe called on Turnk for support, Salesforce integration and maintenance. In this interview, which you can also find on YouTube, Jean-Baptiste Achard the co-founder of StaffMe tells us about his experience with Turnk.

What were StaffMe's needs before meeting Turnk? What were the benefits of this project for StaffMe? How did choosing NoCode benefit them? What are the next steps for StaffMe? Jean-Baptiste tells us everything!


Interview with Jean-Baptiste Achard :

What was your problem before meeting Turnk?


“At Staffme for our commercial solicitation, we have been using the Salesforce tool since the launch and it is true that the company is growing a lot. Today, we have more than fifteen salespeople who use the tool on a daily basis and it must evolve with the needs that we know in the company. And that's why we called on Turnk, to have a partner with whom we could develop and continuously improve the Salesforce tool, which is made available to salespeople on a daily basis at Staffme. And that's what the Turnk team allowed us with support over several weeks to very concretely improve our Salesforce tool and to have a much more powerful tool available to sales representatives to enable them to better do their job.”


What was the benefit as a result of Turnk's work? 

“The immediate benefit for salespeople is obviously better commercial activity and better follow-up of leads, a better understanding of customer needs and therefore, in fact, an increase in Staffme's turnover due to this better understanding of customers.”

Why did you start with Turnk? And why did you choose No Code? 

“I am a strong supporter of NoCode, I think it is a profound and powerful movement in the tech ecosystem and should be encouraged. And so, when I knew that Turnk was embarking on Salesforce support, in 100% NoCode or low code, I told myself that it was absolutely necessary to go and partner with them because this is the future of our ecosystem. And we should encourage it, and even to also familiarize our teams, internally, with these new development practices, which are fortunate to be much more accessible to everyone. So really, I recommend Turnk and I recommend using No Code in your business to make it grow.”

What are the next steps for StaffMe?

“Staffme is a company that has grown a lot since it was launched five years ago. Today, we also have other projects. Staffme obviously, it is the student job platform that continues to develop. We almost did two times in 2021 compared to the previous year. So times two in the number of students affected, in the number of businesses registered on the platform. And we developed two other projects on the side.

The first, which is a training organization, the Staffme Academy, which allows young entrepreneurs aged 18 to 30 to train in various skills, such as creating a website, speaking in public or knowing the fundamentals of marketing.We trained 1200 young people in 2021 and we aim to train 2500 young people by 2022. It is an ambitious goal.

And finally, there is a third branch that we launched last year, in 2021, called EITI. The company for integration through self-employment, which aims to support via an ecosystem, defines 150 young people who are very far from employment to enable them, after a year and a half, to find sustainable employment for 70 of them, whether on a permanent contract or through the creation of a business. And this great program is already bearing very good fruit. We will continue to develop it. Today, this integration program is only in 94 and we intend to offer it in Paris and Marseille in the coming months. All of this is a matter to be followed.”


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