
What is Breezy?

Breezy is a ATS (Applicant Trachking System) in other words, it is a application management tool. This tool supports recruiters throughout their recruitment process. From the reception of resumes, the selection of the best candidates, the scheduling of interviews, to the follow-up of the interviews. All the tools that are useful for effective and rapid recruitment are included in Breezy.

Features and use

With Breezy, it is possible to post job offers with a single click in more than 50 different job sites. Everything is automated so as to save valuable time for users. For example, interview scheduling, SMS and emails, or feedback requests can be Scheduled quickly, a non-negligible practicality.

This tool sets up a system ofinterview videos For candidates, recruiters have the option of having all their information at their fingertips during these interviews. The organization is then simplified for recruiters.

It is also possible torecord these interviews in order to review them later to choose the most suitable candidate for the position. Throughout these interviews, members of the recruiting team have access to the candidate's information (resume, experience, and other documentation provided) directly on their Breezy screen throughout the video interview.

Another feature allows recruiters toadd notes about the candidate during the interview, the recruitment team can thus discuss privately during the interview without these exchanges being visible to the applicant.

These features are just a summary of what can be done with this application management tool.

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