How did HubSpot Marketing Hub allow a real estate agency to generate 2x more leads in 3 months?

WEB / App Builder


In the ever-changing world of real estate, competition is fierce, and the ability to generate quality leads is essential to thrive. The modern real estate agency must be agile, efficient and able to take advantage of the latest technological tools to achieve its growth goals. That's where HubSpot Marketing Hub comes into play, a solution that allowed one of our customers to double his number of leads. In this article, we'll explore how HubSpot Marketing Hub helped this real estate agency achieve this feat and why you should consider integrating it into your marketing strategy.

The real estate agency challenge

Before diving into the success story, it's important to understand the challenges that most real estate agencies face. Obtaining a constant flow of high-quality leads is a crucial issue for their success. Traditional marketing and prospecting methods aren't as effective as they used to be, and it's becoming more and more difficult to stand out in a saturated market.

The HubSpot Marketing Hub approach

The real estate agency we supported was aware of these challenges and was looking for a solution to stimulate its lead generation. That's when we introduced him to HubSpot Marketing Hub. This all-in-one platform offers a range of powerful tools for automate, personalize, and optimize marketing efforts. Here's how they used HubSpot to double their lead count:

  1. Advanced segmentation : HubSpot allows prospects to be segmented according to various criteria, such as location, type of property sought, budget, etc. This allowed the real estate agency to target more specific prospects, which led to better conversion.
  2. Marketing automation : Automation allowed the agency to deliver the right message at the right time. They created personalized, automated email sequences to maintain prospects throughout the buying process.
  3. Quality content : HubSpot made it easy to create quality content, whether it was informative blogs about the local real estate market, buying guides, or virtual tours. This content attracted more interested prospects.
  4. Performance monitoring : With HubSpot's tracking tools, the agency was able to measure the effectiveness of each campaign, making adjustments to maximize results.

Impressive results

Thanks to the implementation of HubSpot Marketing Hub, the real estate agency has experienced spectacular results. In just 3 months, she managed to double her number of leads. The leads were also of higher quality, which meant a higher conversion rate and more successful transactions.

Why should you consider HubSpot Marketing Hub for your real estate agency?

If you're looking to boost your real estate business, HubSpot Marketing Hub is a must-have solution. Here's why you should consider integrating it now:

  1. Powerful automation : Save time by automating repetitive tasks and providing accurate follow-up to your prospects.
  2. Personalization : Create bespoke experiences for your prospects that will encourage them to engage more with your agency.
  3. In-depth analysis : Make informed decisions with real-time data and detailed reports on the performance of your campaigns.
  4. Accelerated growth : As the example above illustrates, HubSpot can lead to significant growth in your leads and sales.


HubSpot Marketing Hub is the ideal tool for real estate agencies looking to stand out in a competitive market. The impressive results achieved by the agency we reviewed are just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to double your number of leads, do not hesitate to contact us at Turnk. Our team of experts can help you integrate HubSpot Marketing Hub into your marketing strategy and unlock its full potential for your real estate agency. Don't let this opportunity pass you by, because success awaits you right at your fingertips.

Contact us today to find out more.

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